Are you being hurt by harsh corners?
Harsh edges are a feng shui trouble spot. Many times these edges are easy to overlook and can hide themselves. Sharp edges and corners can come from doors, square columns, shelves, cabinets -- even arrangements of furniture.
Head Boards
In feng shui, strong, harsh edges are similar to knife blades, and their energy should be treated that way. Some edges are worse than others, though. Edges that are aimed at the back, such as from bookshelves behind a desk, or at the neck, from shelves on a wall or open cabinets, are considered especially dangerous.
Look around your home and office to see if there are knife edges aimed anywhere of importance, such as your bed, your desk, your dining table, or anywhere you spend a lot of time. Then, consider whether it is worth the risk to expose yourself to these harsh edges. Most of the time, by a simple rearrangement, you are able to keep the shelf or cabinet without having to do away with it.
Protective feng shui is one of the first steps one must make when looking to improve the feng shui of a home or office. Protecting oneself from the dangers of harsh edges should be on your checklist so that no one is unprotected or exposed. Read the tips below for more ideas on handling harmful edges.
1. Never place shelves overhead.
These kinds of shelves can press on the head. If they are simple boards, the sharp edges of the boards can be harmful. Placed at a desk or against a wall, a sharp edge overhead will make it hard to think clearly or make decisions well because of the pressure being exerted. Remove them and place elsewhere.
2. Watch for tray or raised ceilings.
These are very popular in home construction now. If you have one of these over your head while you sleep it is possible that you feel pressured, have headaches, or have difficulty sleeping. You could even have financial difficulties. Try to move the bed away from this edge, or create a canopy that covers the edge with fabric.
3. Be careful about bookshelves.
Bookshelves should never be directly ahead or behind you. This can cause confrontation and backstabbing, especially if these shelves are at work. Move the shelves so that they are not in line with your body. This is especially important at work or while you are sleeping.
4. Avoid bookshelf headboards.
These have LOTS of sharp edges and are not good for you. Besides muddled thinking, you could also suffer from head ailments ranging from sinuses to poor vision to headaches.
5. Watch L-shaped arrangements.
These kinds of arrnagements create the "cleaver" or "hatchet" effect. The long side is the "knife blade." Where do you see these? In L-shaped desk arrangements where the long knife blade is usually your desk! Separate the furniture. Do the same with sofa arrangements, too.
6. Square columns have harsh edges.
Hang a 6-rod hollow windchime in front of the column to lift the energy or place a vine at the bottom to grow around the column, or place a tall plant or curtain or screen of some kind in front of the column. These columns are very dangerous if they are aimed at your table, your bed, and even worse, at your front door.
7. Wall shelves create knife blades.
Wall shelves, especially those at neck height, act like guillotines. Make sure these are covered and not at your head or neck level, especially if they are located somewhere where you work or stand a lot (such as by a stove or sink). Knife blades at the head can create very serious loss.
Knife Blades and Dangerous Edges, Feng Shui's Poison Arrows
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